Canberra Heavy Hitters runs a dedicated Women’s Seniors Singles League (WSSL) for 30yrs+ Women looking to play competitive singles tennis in Canberra.
The CHH WSSL is run on Challonge, an online league management platform. CHH is no longer on Universal Tennis.
League format is Heavy Hitters format: Round Robin draw (approx 2months) followed by a knockout finals draw (approx 3-4 weeks).
Match format is best of 2/3 sets, normal scoring. Players can choose to play best of 2 tiebreak sets with a match tiebreak or the classic best of 3 tiebreak sets.
The WSSL is run using the CHH Rules and Regulations.
If you have any questions regarding your suitability to play in the WSSL please contact Christine Jarrett.
Select the below button to see upcoming CHH-WSSL events: